July 02, 2015

Signs Your Baby Loves You

How do you know your baby loves you back? Sweet, surprising ways she shows it

By Meagan Francis and Stephanie

Let's be real. Babies this little are not going to give you the kind of feedback you might desperately wish for after that grueling labor and those sleepless nights. But as you and your baby get to know each other, you'll get glimmers that a bond is forming and that can be more meaningful than a big declaration of love. "Attachment is a process," says Debbie Laible, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Lehigh University. When you take care of your baby, he falls more in love with you every day and says thanks in his own baby ways.

 => He knows you're you
“Within a few weeks, babies can recognize their caregiver and they prefer her to other people,” says Alison Gopnik, Ph.D., author of  The Philosophical Baby and a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. Partly, your little one's just following her nose: In one study, researchers put a nursing newborn between two breast pads, one belonging to her mother. The scent of Mom's milk was enough to get the baby to turn toward that pad.

Become the foremost expert on what your baby's various cries mean. Relentless and desperate usually means hunger, abrupt might mean pain, and more plaintive can signal discomfort. You'll figure it out through trial and error, eventually grasping nuances that will baffle outsiders. The better you know his language, the better you can meet his needs. “When a baby's distressed and his parents respond, he learns he can count on them for comfort and relief and that he matters,” says Linda Gilkerson, Ph.D., director of the Irving B. Harris Infant Studies Program at Erikson University. But don't worry if you can't always nail the wail: “You don't have to be perfect,” says Gilkerson. In fact, she says, research shows that caregivers are in perfect sync with their babies only about 40 percent of the time. What's more important is that you will learn to recognize and respond when your baby needs you. “Your baby learns ‘I can rely on Mom. Even if I cry for a little bit, she gets to me soon enough that I don't fall apart,’” Gilkerson says.

=> She'll totally flirt with you
“Within a month or so of being born, babies respond to the facial expressions of their mothers and without thinking about it, the moms start doing it right back,” says Gopnik. We're talking about the smiles, the meaningful looks, the coy looking away and back again (think back to ninth-grade study hall; you get the dea!). These goofy games appear to be as important in cementing a baby's attachment as your responses to her physical needs. At around 4 months, she'll also be unable to take her eyes off of you. And who can blame her? By then, she's gotten used to life on the outside, can suck and swallow and is physiologically more regulated (i.e., is no longer eating and sleeping like a jet-lagged traveler), so she can begin to pay attention to more than just her immediate bodily needs, explains Gilkerson. Flirt back—and don't be afraid to use exaggerated expressions. “Face-to-face interaction is part of how babies learn about positive give-and-take,” says Gilkerson. Your child's starting to realize that with a single look, she can show you how happy she is that you're around—and that it's a feeling worth sharing, since you'll beam back

=> He smiles, even for a split second
You know those people who say that your baby's early smiles are just gas or an involuntary reflex? Don't listen to them. Recent research indicates that an infant's grin may mean a lot more. The goofy newborn smiles may be your baby reflecting your own smile. He's instinctively building a bond with you. The first true social smiles start brightening moms' days between 6 and 8 weeks. Your baby may smile when he sees your face -- or Dad's or a big sib's. He's starting to associate your face with feeling good. The bond deepens!

=> He'll latch on to a lovey
Babies often pick a favorite object, like a stuffed animal or a blankie, at around a year old. Gopnik explains that these transitional objects symbolize you and your affection, which explains the histrionics if you—heaven
forbid!—put it in the wash for an hour. “It represents your love, but in a way your child can control,” she says. Let your child keep his lovey close by in situations where he might feel insecure, if that's possible. Don't worry that there's some set time to get rid of it, as with a bottle. Chances are he won't be clutching it as he
walks down the aisle on his wedding day (though, let's be honest, many of us still have Mr. Fuzzybear tucked away somewhere).

=> She stares at you, so intently it's practically rude
Right from birth, a baby can recognize his mother's face, voice and smell, says Laible. The next step is linking those sounds and smells he trusts with something he can see. That's why he'll start studying your face as if he's trying to memorize it. In a way, he is. He's making sure he knows what comfort -- and love -- looks like. So next time you catch your baby's eyes locked on you, give him time to drink you in.

=> He gives you smooches (sort of)
Sometime around a year old, your baby might start giving kisses—and they probably won't be chaste pecks. Expect wet and sloppy ones that land (sometimes hard!) on whatever part of you is closest. "When I ask my
daughter Evvi for a smooch, she crunches up her nose, tilts back her head and then swoops up to my face and plants her lips on mine," VA. "She totally melts my heart!" Evvi's enthusiasm shows she's been paying attention to the way her mom shows affection, and she wants to do the same, says Richard Gallagher, Ph.D., director of the Parenting Institute at the NYU Child Study Center. Babies are eager learners when it comes to physical affection, and there's no one they'd rather practice on than Mom and Dad. This is when it starts to get really fun. Babies past the 6-month mark are a lot more aware of the world around them and are developing new abilities practically every day. So your baby can now show her big-time affection for you in some pretty adorable ways:

=> She holds up her arms so you'll pick her up
Kerry Smith recently noticed that her 6-month-old son, Leo, has a new way of expressing whom he wants the most. "When someone else is holding him and I walk up, he'll twist his body toward me and hold out his arms," says the Prescott Valley, AZ, mom of three. Many babies adore being held right from the start, but it takes about six months until they have the physical and cognitive abilities to ask for a pick-me-up. It's a body-language expression of how much they've come to trust and adore their parents. And it can be enough, especially on one of those endless days, to make your heart lurch, too.

=> She'll pull away from you, and then run back
You'll start seeing this as soon as your baby crawls. “You're your child's warm, cozy, secure base. But she's also thinking ‘Hey, wait! I can crawl! I want to get out there and find out what's in the world!’” Gopnik explains. So she does, until she gets insecure. Then she's all “Let me go back and make sure Mom's still there.” Freedom to explore—and then bungee back to a safe place—is what this is about, so let her do it. Of course, for many moms, this is harder than it sounds. But instead of hovering, put your energies into some extra babyproofing.

=> She's bouncing, wiggling and cheering for you
The way your baby acts when she sees you after a few hours -- or a few minutes? You'd be forgiven for thinking you're a bit of a rock star. This glee isn't just cute; it's a sign of the deep attachment that's own between you. On the flip side are your baby's wails of distress when you leave. It's part of her development, and she'll learn that you always come back. She understand s object permanence now (you exist even when you're not around), so it's rough for her to know that the object of her affection is out there and not here to snuggle. Babies this age do their emotions big, so whether it's heartbreak that you're gone or earthshaking excitement that you're back, one thing is clear: You are loved. By a tiny, crazy little person, yes, but loved. As your baby goes from blob to bright-eyed to whirlwind, the way he shows his love gets more complicated, too. In the early toddler stage, your child is exploring his little world and testing boundaries and he relies on you—yep, because he loves you—to help him. It's a busy time for a toddler, and that's why the ways he expresses his love can seem indirect:

=> He does what you do
Whoever said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery must have known a toddler or two. Whether he's lugging a briefcase down the stairs or cooing over a baby doll, he's definitely showing how cool he thinks you are. Like all people—adults included!—toddlers imitate the activities and behaviors of the people they love most, says Laible.

=> Making a beeline for you when he's hurt
When Emily Cook of Calgary, Alberta, gets a scrape or a sniffle, nothing makes her feel better like rocking on her mom's lap. The fact that your toddler runs to you for comfort—and then can dry his eyes and run off— means he loves and needs you. Of course, you may also notice that your kid doesn't have to be that hurt to come to you wailing. Even a minor accident can make for big drama if Mom's around to see it. "Emily puts on this pout, coupled with dramatic sniffling. Then she throws in a big, unblinking stare that says 'Poor me!'?" says her mom, Heather. Yes, there's a plea for attention in there, but it really does make your baby feel better to get proof that you love him as much as he loves.

=> He reserves bad behavior just for you
What mom hasn't heard "He was an angel!" when picking up a toddler from a sitter, then witnessed downright devilish behavior mere minutes later? Toddlers test limits with abandon—but most often with those people they love and trust. This isn't exactly the warmest, fuzziest way your child will say he loves you. But that's exactly what he's doing. "You know you've done your job well if he can hold it together in public but saves his blowups for you," says Elizabeth Short, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Case Western Reserve University. "He knows that you're safe—he can act up and you'll still love him." You may never welcome a meltdown, but at least you can stop thinking your thrashing, screaming toddler is out to get you. He isn't. He just loves you sooo much.

=> He'll freak out when you leave
Starting around his first birthday, and often continuing until he's 3 or so, your child may get upset when you have to part—and rejoice when you return. “Separation anxiety is a sign he knows that the person he loves is different from others, and he's beginning to have object permanence—an understanding that people and things don't disappear the minute they're out of sight,” says Gilkerson. This is one behavior you don't want to reinforce. Because, let's face it, it can be excruciating to listen to your child's wails as you leave him in daycare. Offer reassurance: Say “I know you'll miss me, but Mrs. Rosie will take great care of you and I'll be back to pick you up.” Rest assured that he'll be fine, says Gopnik, and know that you're teaching him that he can count on you to come back for him later.

Must-Read Guide to Babies and Ear Infections

By William Sears, M.d.

"Doctor, I think my baby has an ear infection!" I hear this every day in my practice, and because ear infections are such a common cause of sleepless nights and missed work (not to mention just downright painful!), I spend a lot of time explaining what can be done to prevent them. Now, if you came to see me in my office (and you're always welcome to), here's how I would answer your questions.

Why are ear infections so common in babies?

Let's venture inside the middle ear to see how germs and tiny ears make such frequent contact. A canal called the Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat and helps to equalize pressure. But the throat, along with the nose, serves as a moist breeding ground for bacteria. Because a baby's Eustachian tube is short, wide and horizontal, throat and nose secretions—and any germs they may be harboring—travel more easily through it. Any fluid trapped in a cavity (such as the middle ear) acts as a medium for germs to grow, hence the frequent ear infections we see in many young children.

Why is it important to treat ear infections properly?

Your child's hearing depends on the proper vibrating of the eardrum and the structures of the middle. Repeated infections can damage the eardrum, while repeated fluid accumulation dampens the vibrations, both of which interfere with hearing. That's why it's imperative to take ear infections seriously, especially when your baby is learning to talk. Periodic hearing loss can lead to speech delays or even language problems that can affect her school performance later.

How can I spot an ear infection?

The following signs are babies' way of saying, "There's some painful stuff going on in my ear. Please take me to the doctor!" Early treatment makes for a better outcome, so if your baby has had several ear infections, learn to read his unique "sore-ear language." One sign you likely won't see is a fever. High temps don't often accompany an ear infection unless there's a more severe respiratory infection.

The nose knows In babies, middle-ear infections usually follow a cold, so what's coming out of the nose often reflects what's going on in the ear. A common scenario is that baby is mildly stuffy and has clear, watery nasal drainage, but isn't that sick—until a few days later when crankiness kicks in and the discharge becomes more yellow or green and snotty.

It's been a hard day's night

If baby is waking more frequently at night and seems to be in pain, especially with a worsening cold, that's also a red flag. As the infected fluid places pressure on the eardrum, he may not want to lie flat when napping or sleeping. To alleviate the pressure, position him so that the sore ear faces up.

The eyes have it

The rule in our practice is that when a parent tells us their baby has a cold and eye drainage, we see them that day. In the early months, eye drainage may simply signal a clogged tear duct, but when accompanied by a cold, especially in an older infant, it usually means an underlying sinus and/or ear infection.

If I suspect an ear infection, should I always take my baby to the doctor?

Usually. Ear infections are hard to treat blind—sort of like drawing a map when you're not sure where you're going. Your doctor needs to examine both the eardrum and the whole respiratory tract to make what is called the right "drug and bug" match.

Most mild to moderate ear infections will completely heal without the use of antibiotics, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the "watch and wait" approach. "Watch" means to observe your child for signs that she is becoming sicker. "Wait" means the doctor may not immediately prescribe antibiotics for her, even if there is fluid behind the middle ear, unless she fails to improve on her own within two or three days.

He's tugging at his ears a lot, so why does the doctor say he's fine?

Ear-tugging doesn't necessarily signal an ear infection. It can be referred pain from teething or that baby is simply discovering his ears and likes pulling on them. However, if a baby has a cold, especially with nasal or eye drainage, and is pulling at his ears, the problem is likely not teething. Tugging, rubbing or banging on the ears can also be a sign that your child has some ear pain from persistent or chronic middle-ear fluid, a condition known as otitis media with effusion. In my practice I find that a mother's intuition is useful in alerting me that her baby is feeling worse. If you feel there's something more to your baby's symptoms, talk to your pediatrician.

How can I prevent ear infections altogether?

Now that you know how germs make their way into those little ears, here are some guidelines to keep that germy fluid from collecting behind your baby's eardrums:

Breastfeed: Mother's milk provides increased natural immunity.

Bottle-feed upright:  Feed baby in an upright position (at least 30 degrees) and keep her upright at least 30 minutes afterward.

Keep allergens at bay:  Irritants can cause fluid to build in the nasal passages and middle ear. Keep stuffed and real animals and other fuzzy things away while baby sleeps. And absolutely no smoking around baby!

Pass on pacifiers:  Studies show a correlation between the frequency of pacifier use and ear infections. Limit pacifier use to when baby is falling asleep at night, especially once she is 6 months or older.

Boost immunity:  Fruits, veggies and seafood have been shown to improve babies' developing immune systems.

She'll outgrow it:  The good news is that as your child grows, the eustachian tube becomes longer and narrower, and slants more acutely, making it more difficult for germs and fluid to collect in the middle ear. At the same time, her immune system matures, minimizing those pesky ear infections.

Baby Massage Techniques

Soothe your baby with these step-by-step instructions to baby massage techniques. Plus, watch baby and infant 

We've simplified baby massage into six simple strokes. Perform each one slowly, for about a minute, using moderate pressure applied with the pads of your fingers, not the entire palm of your hand. Keep your baby cozy by turning up the heat in the room and using a soft towel to cover her exposed skin.

Before you get started, make sure you have the following gear nearby:

  • A comfortable flat surface covered by a blanket or a mat
  • A small amount of baby oil (olive oil works well, too)
  • Tissues or paper towels to wipe up excess oil
  • A soft towel or blanket to cover your baby
  • A pacifier, if it's calming for your little one
  • Low lights
  • Soft music

1. Lay your baby comfortably on his stomach, with his head turned to one side.

2. Pour a few drops of baby or olive oil on your hands, and rub them together to moisten them.

3. Begin stroking from his forehead over the top of his head, then down to the nape of his neck.

4. Stroke across each shoulder from the center of the neck out to the arm, one side at a time.

5. From the top of your baby's back, massage down to his hips with both hands, being careful to avoid the spine.

6. Run the pads of your fingers down the back of your baby's legs at the same time, then go back up again.

7. Repeat the same stroking motion on the back of your baby's arms.

8. Turn your baby over onto his back. Repeat the down-and-up strokes on his chest and the front of his arms and legs.