IQ (Intellingence Quotient) ability, intelligence or aptitude to learn the EQ (Emotional Quotient), the ability to develop emotionally and socially. It is wise to identify, control and manage their own emotions. In order to address the urgent and serious at making good on the ball IQ and EQ, it is indispensable to me.
Prepared by IQ-EQ.
Child development were well prepared to learn and understand things quickly, we can use the Antenna to help prepare children.
Known to help themselves. I know him by his proper self. When he made it to the confidence and pride.
Known to control mood and looking forward. Do not pay attention to the bad behavior of the children. I have to warn you that the reason for such a behavior. He also praised the assertive.
Learn from those around you will help your child develop the intellect and mind completely. With the children to take home. Keep questions simple about the storytelling or reading it often.
It will not have social embarrassment or fear of strangers I meet. Playing with other people. When the old school was taught person. Do not do to others. Sharing. And I was not doing anything. Or known to apologize when wrong.
Strengthen technical IQ-EQ.
Care, nutrition and variety. The five categories.
Regular exercise properly. If a child has a specific type of sport. Should promote direct
To full sleep. Clear skies when the brain is awake. Creativity will follow.
I do read books, tell stories, do fun things together as a family.
Relax with music, art, or hang out in places due to the horizons. And cultivating the imagination for children.
The ability of the reality. Do not expect too much with the ball. Become a coercive pressures. Their children to do what is beyond their capacity and improve with age.
Parenting with Love. I always hold him in the warm feeling complacent.
Need to measure IQ-EQ or not?
I do not know. Because most children with IQ measures. Child is suspected of having cognitive problems. In fact. We can estimate the IQ of the children themselves. The persistent observation of the reaction was what prompted us to see if he will respond to the emotional kind. The result will be more accurate than the intelligence test again.